- Abyss
- Accursed Years
- Adalbert Bolger
- Adaldrida Bolger
- Adalgar Bolger
- Adalgrim Took
- Adamanta Chubb
- Adanedhel
- Adelard Took
- Adorn
- Adrahil
- Aduial
- Adûnaic
- Adûnakhôr
- Adurant
- Aeglos
- Aegnor
- Aelin-uial
- Aeluin
- Aerandir
- Aerin
- Afterborn
- Aftercomers
- Afterlithe
- Afteryule
- Agarwaen
- Agathurush
- Aghan
- Aglarond
- Aglon
- Aiglos
- Ainulindalë
- Ainur
- Aiwendil
- Akallabêth
- Alatáriel
- Alcarin
- Alcarinquë
- Alcarondas
- Aldalómë
- Aldamir
- Aldarion
- Aldarion and Erendis
- Aldaron
- Aldburg
- Aldëa
- Aldor the Old
- Aldudénië
- Aldúya
- Alfirin
- Alfrida of the Yale
- Algund
- Allatar
- Almaida
- Almaren
- Almarian
- Almiel
- Alphabet of Daeron
- Alqualondë
- Altáriel
- Aman
- Amandil
- Amanyar
- Amaranth Brandybuck
- Amarië
- Ambaróna
- Amdír
- Amethyst Hornblower
- Amlach
- Amlaith of Fornost
- Amon Amarth
- Amon Anwar
- Amon Darthir
- Amon Dîn
- Amon Ereb
- Amon Ethir
- Amon Gwareth
- Amon Hen
- Amon Lanc
- Amon Lhaw
- Amon Obel
- Amon Rûdh
- Amon Sûl
- Amon Tirith
- Amon Uilos
- Amras
- Amrod
- Amroth
- Anach
- Anadûnê
- Anairë
- Anar
- Anardil
- Anárion
- Anarríma
- Anarya
- Anborn
- Ancalagon
- Ancalimë
- Ancalimon
- Ancient Speech
- Ancient Tongue
- Andaith
- Andor
- Andram
- Andrast
- Andrath
- Andróg
- Androth
- Anduin
- Andúnië
- Andúril
- Andustar
- Andwise 'Andy' Roper
- Anemones
- Anfalas
- Anfauglir
- Anfauglith
- Angainor
- Angamaitë
- Angband
- Angbor
- Angelica Baggins
- Angelimir
- Angerthas
- Angerthas Daeron
- Angerthas Moria
- Anglachel
- Angle
- Angmar
- Angren
- Angrenost
- Angrim
- Angrist
- Angrod
- Anguirel
- Annael
- Annatar
- Annon-in-Gelydh
- Annúminas
- Ann-thennath
- Anor
- Anórien
- Anor-stone
- Anson Roper
- Ants
- Apanónar
- Apes
- Appledore Family
- Apples
- Aradan
- Arador
- Araglas
- Aragorn Elessar
- Aragorn I
- Aragost
- Arahad I
- Arahad II
- Arahael
- Araman
- Aranarth
- Arandor
- Arandur
- Aranel
- Aranrúth
- Arantar
- Aranuir
- Aranwë
- Aranwion
- Araphant
- Araphor
- Arassuil
- Aratan
- Aratar
- Arathorn I
- Arathorn II
- Araval
- Aravir
- Aravorn
- Araw
- Archer-The
- Archet
- Arciryas
- Arda
- Ardamir
- Arda Marred
- Arda.ir
- Ard-galen
- Aredhel
- Argeleb I
- Argeleb II
- Argonath
- Argonui
- Arien
- Arkenstone
- Armenelos
- Arminas
- Arnach
- Arnor
- Arod
- Aros
- Arossiach
- Arroch
- Artamir
- Artanis
- Artano
- Arthad
- Arthedain
- Arthórien
- Arvedui
- Arvegil
- Arveleg I
- Arveleg II
- Arvernien
- Arwen
- Ar-Abattârik
- Ar-Adûnakhôr
- Ar-Belzagar
- Ar-Feiniel
- Ar-Gimilzôr
- Ar-Inziladûn
- Ar-Pharazôn
- Ar-Sakalthôr
- Ar-Zimraphel
- Ar-Zimrathôn
- Ascar
- Asëa aranion
- Asfaloth
- Asgon
- Ashen Mountains
- Ashes
- Ash Mountains
- Asphodel
- Asphodel Brandybuck
- Astaldo
- Astar
- Astron
- Atalantë
- Atanalcar
- Atanamir
- Atanatári
- Atanatar I
- Atanatar II
- Atani
- Atarinya
- Athelas
- Athrad Angren
- Aulë
- Aulendil
- Aulendil of Númenor
- Avallónë
- Avari
- Avathar
- Awakening of Men
- Axantur
- Axe of Tuor
- Azaghâl
- Azanulbizar
- Azog
- A Hobbit's Holiday
- Badgers
- Baggins Family
- Bagshot Row
- Bag End
- Bain
- Balan
- Balbo Baggins
- Balchoth
- Baldor
- Bald Hill
- Balin
- Balrogs
- Banakil
- Bandobras ‘Bullroarer’ Took
- Bane of Glaurung
- Banks Family
- Ban of the Valar
- Barad Eithel
- Barad-dûr
- Baragund
- Barahir
- Baran
- Baraz
- Barazinbar
- Bard I
- Bard l
- Bard ll
- Barliman Butterbur
- Barrows
- Barrow-Downs
- Barrow-wights
- Bar-en-Danwedh
- Bats
- Battle of Azanulbizar
- Battle of Bywater
- Battle of Dagorlad
- Battle of Dale
- Battle of Five Armies
- Battle of Fornost
- Battle of Greenfields
- Battle of Nanduhirion
- Battle of Sudden Flame
- Battle of the Camp
- Battle of the Field of Celebrant
- Battle of the Hornburg
- Battle of the Peak
- Battle of the Pelennor Fields
- Battle of the Plains
- Battle of the Powers
- Battle of Tumhalad
- Battle of Unnumbered Tears
- Battle Plain
- Bauglir
- Bays
- Bay of Andúnië
- Bay of Balar
- Bay of Belfalas
- Bay of Eldamar
- Bay of Eldanna
- Beater
- Beechbone
- Beeches
- Bees
- Belba Baggins
- Belecthor I
- Belecthor II
- Belegaer
- Belegorn
- Belegost
- Belegund
- Beleg of Arthedain
- Beleg Strongbow
- Beleriand
- Belfalas
- Belladonna Took
- Bell Goodchild
- Belthil
- Béma
- Bent World
- Beorn
- Beornings
- Bereg
- Beregar
- Beregond
- Beregond 2
- Beren
- Beren 3
- Bergil
- Bert
- Berúthiel
- Berylla Boffin
- Bifur
- Big Folk
- Big People
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bilbo Gamgee
- Bill
- Bill Ferny
- Bingo Baggins
- Bird-tamer
- Birthday Party
- Biter
- Blackroot Vale
- Black Arrow
- Black Breath
- Black Captain
- Black Chasm
- Black Country
- Black Easterling-The
- Black Emperor
- Black Foe of the World
- Black Gate
- Black Gates
- Black Hand
- Black King
- Black Land
- Black Master
- Black Númenóreans
- Black One
- Black Pit
- Black Riders
- Black Serpent
- Black Shadow
- Black Speech
- Black Stone
- Black Sword
- Black Sword of Brethil
- Black Sword of Nargothrond
- Black Sword of the South
- Black-The
- Bladorthin
- Blanco
- Blessed Realm
- Blessed-The
- Bloodstained
- Blotmath
- Blue Mountains
- Blue Ring
- Boars
- Boar of Everholt
- Bob
- Boffin Family
- Bofur
- Bolg
- Bolger Family
- Bombur
- Bonfire Glade
- Book of Kings
- Book of Mazarbul
- Bór
- Borgil
- Borin
- Borlach
- Borlad
- Boromir
- Boromir of Ladros
- Boromir the Steward
- Borondir
- Borthand
- Bowman-The
- Bracegirdle Family
- Brand
- Brandir
- Brandybuck Family
- Brandywine Bridge
- Brandy Hall
- Bree
- Bree-folk
- Bree-hill
- Bree-hobbits
- Bree-land
- Bree-landers
- Bregalad
- Brego
- Bregolas
- Bregor
- Brethil
- Bridge of Khazad-dûm
- Bridge of Stonebows
- Brithiach
- Brithombar
- Brockhouse Family
- Brodda
- Brown Lands
- Brown-The
- Brytta Léofa
- Bucca of the Marish
- Buckland
- Buckland Gate
- Bucklebury
- Bucklebury Ferry
- Buck Hill
- Bullroarer
- Bundushathûr
- Burrowes Family
- Burrows Family
- Butterbur Family
- Butterflies
- Bywater
- Bywater Road
- Cabed Naeramarth
- Cabed-en-Aras
- Cair Andros
- Calacirian
- Calacirya
- Calaquendi
- Calembel
- Calenardhon
- Calendar of Imladris
- Calenhad
- Calimehtar
- Calimehtar son of Calmacil
- Calimmacil
- Caliondo
- Calmacil
- Calmacil of Numenor
- Calmatema
- Calmindon
- Camellia Sackville
- Camlost
- Cape Balar
- Cape of Forochel
- Captains of the West
- Captain of Despair
- Captain of Morgoth
- Captain of Sauron
- Captain of the Haven
- Captain of the Hosts
- Captain of the King’s Ships
- Captain of the Southern Army
- Captivity of Melkor
- Carach Angren
- Caradhras
- Caragdûr
- Caranthir
- Caras Galadhon
- Carc
- Carcharoth
- Carchost
- Cardolan
- Carl
- Carl ‘Nibs’ Cotton
- Carnen
- Carnil
- Carnimírië
- Carn Dûm
- Carrock
- Castamir
- Castle of the Sea
- Cats
- Cats of Queen Berúthiel
- Causeway
- Causeway Forts
- Caverns of Narog
- Caves of the Forgotten
- Cave-trolls
- Cedars
- Celandine Brandybuck
- Celduin
- Celebdil
- Celeborn
- Celebrant
- Celebrían
- Celebrimbor
- Celebrindal
- Celebrindor
- Celebros
- Celegorm
- Celepharn
- Celon
- Celos
- Cemendur
- Ceorl
- Cerin Amroth
- Cermië
- Certar
- Certhas
- Cerveth
- Chamber of Mazarbul
- Chamber of Records
- Chetwood
- Chica Chubb
- Chief
- Chieftain of the North
- Chief Shirriff
- Children of Aulë
- Children of Ilúvatar
- Children of the Sun
- Chithing
- Chronicle of Cirion and Eorl
- Chubb Family
- Chubb-Baggins Family
- Círdan the Shipwright
- Cirion
- Cirith Dúath
- Cirith Forn en Andrath
- Cirith Gorgor
- Cirith Ninniach
- Cirith Thoronath
- Cirith Ungol
- Cirth
- Ciryaher
- Ciryandil
- Ciryatur
- Ciryon
- Citadel of Gondor
- Citadel of the Stars
- City of Gondor
- City of the Kings
- Closed Door
- Cloudyhead
- Club-foot
- Cock-robin
- Coirë
- Coldfells
- Cold-drakes
- Combe
- Common Speech
- Common Tongue
- Companions of the Ring
- Company of the Ring
- Coranar
- Cora Goodbody
- Cordial of Imladris
- Cormallen
- Cormarë
- Corn
- Corollairë
- Coron Oiolairë
- Corsairs of Umbar
- Cotman
- Cottar
- Cotton Family
- Council of Elrond
- Council of Gondor
- Council of the Sceptre
- Council of the Wise
- Counsellor of the North-kingdom
- Court of the Fountain
- Cows
- Cracks of Doom
- Crafty
- Cram
- Crebain
- Crickets
- Crickhollow
- Crissaegrim
- Crossings of Erui
- Crossings of Isen
- Crossings of Teiglin
- Crossing of Poros
- Cross-roads
- Crown of Durin
- Crown of Elendil
- Crown of Gondor
- Crown of the Hidden Kingdom
- Crows
- Cruel-The
- Cuiviénen
- Culumalda
- Culúrien
- Curse of Mandos
- Curufin
- Curufinwë
- Curumo
- Curunir
- Cúthalion
- Daddy Twofoot
- Daeron
- Dagnir
- Dagnir Glaurunga
- Dagorlad
- Dagor Bragollach
- Dagor Dagorath
- Dagor-nuin-Giliath
- Dáin I
- Dáin II Ironfoot
- Dairuin
- Daisy Baggins
- Daisy Gamgee
- Daisy Gardner
- Dale
- Damrod
- Darkening of Valinor
- Darkness
- Dark Country
- Dark Door
- Dark Elf
- Dark Elves
- Dark Enemy
- Dark King
- Dark Land
- Dark Lands
- Dark Lord
- Dark Mountains
- Dark Plague
- Dark Power
- Dark Throne
- Dark Tower
- Dark Years
- Daur
- Daystar
- Days of Bliss
- Dead
- Dead Marshes
- Dead Men
- Dead Tree
- Déagol
- Deathless
- Deepdelver
- Deephallow
- Deeping
- Deeping Wall
- Deeping-coomb
- Deeping-road
- Deeping-stream
- Deep Elves
- Deer
- Deer's Leap
- Deldúwath
- Demons
- Denethor
- Denethor I
- Denethor II
- Déor
- Déorwine
- Derndingle
- Dernhelm
- Derufin
- Dervorin
- Desolation of the Dragon
- Desolation of the Morannon
- Diamond of Long Cleeve
- Dimbar
- Dimholt
- Dimrill Dale
- Dimrill Gate
- Dimrill Stair
- Dimrost
- Dîn
- Dina Diggle
- Dinodas Brandybuck
- Dior
- Dior The ninth Ruling Steward of Gondor
- Dírhael
- Dírhavel
- Dírnaith
- Dís
- Disaster of the Gladden Fields
- Doderic Brandybuck
- Dodinas Brandybuck
- Dogs
- Dol Amroth
- Dol Baran
- Dol Guldur
- Dome of Stars
- Dominion of Men
- Donnamira Took
- Doomsman of the Valar
- Doom of Mandos
- Doom of Men
- Doom of the Noldor
- Doom of the Valar
- Doors of Durin
- Doors of Felagund
- Doors of Nargothrond
- Door of Night
- Dora Baggins
- Dori
- Doriath
- Dorlas
- Dorthonion
- Dorwinion
- Dor Caranthir
- Dor Daedeloth
- Dor Dínen
- Dor Firn-i-Guinar
- Dor-Cúarthol
- Dor-en-Ernil
- Dor-lómin
- Dor-nu-Fauglith
- Downfall of Barad-dûr
- Downfall of Númenor
- Dragon
- Dragonhead of the North
- Dragons
- Dragon of Dor-lómin
- Dragon of Erebor
- Dragon's Lair
- Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin
- Dragon-King
- Dragon-reek
- Dragon-shooter
- Dragon-spell
- Dramborleg
- Draugluin
- Dread Helm
- Dreamflower
- Drogo Baggins
- Drû
- Drúadan Forest
- Drúath
- Druda Burrows
- Drúedain
- Drúedain of Beleriand
- Drughu
- Drûgs
- Drûg-folk
- Drúin
- Drúnos
- Drúwaith Iaur
- Dry River
- Dudo Baggins
- Duilin
- Duinhir
- Dúnadan
- Dúnedain
- Dúnedain of Arnor
- Dúnedain of the North
- Dúnedain of the South
- Dúnharg
- Dunharrow
- Dúnhere
- Dunland
- Dunlendings
- Dunlendish
- Durin III
- Durin I the Deathless
- Durin VI
- Durin VII
- Durin’s Axe
- Durin’s Bane
- Durin’s Bridge
- Durin’s Day
- Durin’s Folk
- Durin’s Tower
- Durthang
- Dwalin
- Dwaling
- Dwarf-masks
- Dwarf-road
- Dwarf-tongue
- Dwarrowdelf
- Dwarves
- Dwarves of Belegost
- Dwarves of Erebor
- Dwarves of Khazad-dûm
- Dwarves of Moria
- Dwarves of the Blue Mountains
- Dwarves of the Iron Hills
- Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain
- Dwarvish
- Dwimmerlaik
- Dwimorberg
- Dwimordene
- Eä
- Éadig
- Eagles
- Eagles' Cleft
- Eagle of the Star
- Eämbar
- Eärendil
- Eärendur
- Eärenya
- Eärnil I
- Eärnil II
- Eärnur
- Eärrámë
- Eärwen
- Eastemnet
- Easterlings
- Eastfarthing of the Shire
- Eastfold
- Eastlands of Middle-earth
- Eastlands of Númenor
- Eastmarch of the Shire
- East Beleriand
- East Bight
- East Dales
- East End
- East Lórien
- East Osgiliath
- East Road
- East Vale
- East Wall of Rohan
- East-elves
- East-gate of Moria
- East-mark
- East-mountains
- East-victor
- East-West Road
- Echad-The
- Edhellond
- Ednew
- Edoras
- Edrahil
- Egalmoth
- Egladil
- Eglador
- Eglantine
- Eglantine Banks
- Eglarest
- Eglath
- Eilenach
- Eilenaer
- Eilinel
- Eithel Ivrin
- Eithel Nínui
- Eithel Sirion
- Eket
- Ekkaia
- Elanor
- Elanor Gamgee
- Elatan
- Elbereth
- Eldacar
- Eldalië
- Eldalondë
- Eldamar
- Eldar
- Eldarin
- Eldarion
- Eldar of Eressëa
- Eldar of Valinor
- Elder Children of Ilúvatar
- Elder Days
- Elder Kindred
- Elder King
- Elder Race
- Eldest
- Eledhwen
- Elemmakil
- Elemmírë
- Elendë
- Elendil
- Elendili
- Elendilmir
- Elendil Stone
- Elendur
- Elenna
- Elennanórë
- Elentári
- Elentirmo
- Elenwë
- Elenya
- Elephants
- Elerrína
- Elessar of Eärendil
- Elf of Gondolin
- Elladan
- Elmo
- Elms
- Elostirion
- Elrohir
- Elrond
- Elrond and Elros
- Elros Tar-Minyatur
- Eluchíl
- Eluréd
- Elvenking's Halls
- Elvenking-The
- Elvenland
- Elves
- Elves of Beleriand
- Elves of Doriath
- Elves of Eregion
- Elves of Eressëa
- Elves of Gondolin
- Elves of Lindon
- Elves of Lórien
- Elves of Lórinand
- Elves of Middle-earth
- Elves of Mirkwood
- Elves of Nargothrond
- Elves of Ossiriand
- Elves of Sirion
- Elves of the Darkness
- Elves of the Falas
- Elves of the Havens
- Elves of the Light
- Elves of the Twilight
- Elves of the West
- Elves of the Wood
- Elves of Thranduil
- Elves of Valinor
- Elvet-isle
- Elvish
- Elwë Singollo
- Elwing
- Emeldir
- Emerië
- Emerwen Aranel
- Empty Lands
- Emyn Arnen
- Emyn Beraid
- Emyn Duir
- Emyn Muil
- Emyn Uial
- Emyn-nu-Fuin
- Enchanted Isles
- Enemy
- Enemy of Sauron
- Enerdhil
- Engwar
- Ennor
- Enquië
- Entings
- Entish
- Entmaidens
- Entmoot
- Ents
- Entulessë
- Entwade
- Entwash
- Entwash Vale
- Entwives
- Entwood
- Ent-draught
- Ent-houses
- Ent-strides
- Envinyatar
- Enyd
- Eofor
- Éoherë
- Eöl
- Éomer Éadig
- Éomund
- Éomund of Eastfold
- Eönwë
- Éored
- Eorl
- Eorlingas
- Eorlings
- Éothain
- Éothéod
- Éowyn
- Epessë
- Ephel
- Ephel Brandir
- Ephel Dúath
- Eradan
- Erchamion
- Erebor
- Ereborian Cirth
- Erech
- Ered Engrin
- Ered Gorgoroth
- Ered Lindon
- Ered Lithui
- Ered Lómin
- Ered Luin
- Ered Mithrin
- Ered Nimrais
- Ered Wethrin
- Eregion
- Ereinion Gil-galad
- Erelas
- Erellont
- Erendis
- Erestor
- Eriador
- Erkenbrand
- Erling
- Ernil i Pheriannath
- Eru
- Eruhantalë
- Eruhíni
- Erui
- Erukyermë
- Erulaitalë
- Eryn Galen
- Eryn Lasgalen
- Eryn Vorn
- Esgalduin
- Esgaroth
- Esmeralda Took
- Essë
- Estë
- Estel
- Estella Bolger
- Estelmo
- Estolad
- Ethir Anduin
- Ethir-The
- Ethraid Engrin
- Ethring
- Ethuil
- Ettendales
- Fair
- Fairbairn Family
- Fair Elves
- Faithful
- Falas
- Falastur
- Falathrim
- Fallohides
- Falls of Rauros
- Falls of Sirion
- Fall of Barad-dûr
- Fall of Gil-galad
- Fall of Gondolin
- Fall of Nargothrond
- Fangorn
- Fanuidhol
- Faramir
- Faramir son of Denethor II
- Faramir took I
- Farmer Maggot
- Farthings
- Far downs
- Far Harad
- Fastloph Bolger
- Fastred of Greenholm
- Fastred of Rohan
- Fat
- Fathers of Dwerves
- Fathers of Men
- Father of Dragons
- Father of the isle
- Fatty Bolger
- Fatty Lumpkin
- Feanor
- Feanorian
- Feanturi
- Felagund
- Felaróf
- Fellowship of the ring
- Fell winter of Third Age
- Fengel
- Fenmarch
- Fen hollen
- Fen of Serech
- Ferny
- Ferumbras took II
- Ferumbras Took III
- Field of Celebrant
- Field of Cormallen
- Fiery Mountain
- Fili
- Fimbrethil
- Finarfin
- Findegil
- Finduilas of Dol Amroth
- Finduilas of Nargothrond
- Finglas
- Fingolfin
- Fingon
- Finrod Felagund
- Finwë
- Fire
- Fire Drakes
- Fire foot
- Fire Mountain
- Fire of Iluvatar
- Firiel
- Firien Wood
- Firimar
- Firith
- Firs
- First Age
- First Battle
- First Battle of the Fords of Isen
- First born
- First East Farthing Troop
- First homely house
- First house of Edain
- First Marshal of the Riddermark
- Firth of Drengist
- Fish
- Fladrif
- Flame imperishable
- Flame of Anor
- Flame of the West
- Flame of Udun
- Flets
- Flies
- Flight of Noldor
- Foam Flower
- Foe Hammer
- Folca
- Folco Boffin
- Folcred
- Folcwine
- Folde
- Folk of Haleth
- Followers
- Fool
- Fords of Aros
- Fords of Isen
- Fords of Poros
- Ford of Bruinen
- Forelithe
- Foreluye
- Forest
- Forest of Brethil
- Forest of Fangorn
- Forest of Neldoreth
- Forest of Region
- Forest River
- Forest Road
- Forgoil
- Forlindon
- Forlond
- Formenos
- Forn
- Fornost
- Forochel
- Forod Waith
- Forostar
- Fortinbars Took I
- Fortinbras Took II
- Forweg
- Gabilgathol
- Gaerys
- Gaffer Gamgee
- Galabas
- Galadhon
- Galadhriel
- Galadhrim
- Galador
- Galadriel
- Galathil
- Galathilion
- Galbasi
- Galdor of Dor-lomin
- Galdor of Havens
- Galenas
- Galion
- Galmod
- Galpsi
- Galvorn
- Gamgee
- Gamgee Family
- Gamidgy
- Gamil Zirak
- Gamling
- Gammidge Family
- Gammidgy
- Gamwich
- Gamwich Family
- Gandalf
- Gap of Rohan
- Gardner
- Gardner Family
- Garulf
- Gasping Dust
- Gates of Gondor
- Gates of Mordor
- Gates of Moria
- Gates of Morning
- Gates of sirion
- Gate of Argonath
- Gate of Dead
- Gate of Erebor
- Gate of Isengard
- Gate of Mordor
- Gate of Noldor
- Gate of Steel
- Gate of Stone
- Gate of the Noldor
- Gate of Wood
- Gate-Keepers
- Gate-stream
- Gaurwaith
- Geese
- Gelion
- Gelmir of Angrod's people
- Gelmir of Nargothrond
- Gentle-The
- Gerda Boffin
- Gerontius Took
- Gethron
- Ghân
- Ghân-buri-Ghân
- Ghosts
- Giants
- Gift of Men
- Gildor Inglorion
- Gildor of Dorthonion
- Gilly Brownlock
- Gilmith
- Gilraen
- Gilrain
- Gilthoniel
- Gil-Galad
- Gil-Stel
- Gimilkhâd
- Gimilzagar
- Gimli Elf-friend
- Ginglith
- Girdleyisland
- Girdley Island
- Girdle of Melian
- Girion
- Girithron
- Giver of fruits
- Gladden fields
- Gladden river
- Glamdring
- Glamhoth
- Glanhir
- Glaurung
- Gleowine
- Glingal
- Glirhuin
- Glittering caves
- Gloin
- Glóredhel
- Glorfindel
- Glorious Battle
- Glorious-The
- Glæmscrafu
- Gnat
- Goats
- Goblins
- Goblin-cleaver
- Goblin-town
- Gods
- Golasgil
- Goldberry
- Golden Hall
- Golden House
- Golden Perch-The
- Golden Tree
- Golden Wood
- Golden-The
- Golug
- Gondolin
- Gondolindrim
- Gondor
- Gondorians
- Gonnhirrim
- Goodbody Family
- Goodenough Family
- Good Steward
- Goold Family
- Gorbadoc 'Broadbelt' Brandybuck
- Gorbag
- Gorbulas Brandybuck
- Gore-The
- Gorgun
- Gorhendad Oldbuck (later Brandybuck)
- Gorlim the Unhappy
- Gormadoc 'Deepdelver' Brandybuck
- Gothmog
- Gothmog 2
- Gram
- Grasshoppers
- Grave of the Children of Húrin
- Greater Gelion
- Great Lake
- Great Lands
- Great Middle Haven
- Great Mound
- Great Music
- Great Ones
- Great Orcs
- Great Place of the Tooks
- Great Plague
- Great Ring
- Great Rings
- Great River
- Great Road
- Great Sea of the West
- Great Shadow
- Great Siege
- Great Smials
- Great Song
- Great Tower
- Great War of the Ring
- Great Water
- Great West Road
- Great Willow
- Great Wood
- Great Worm
- Greenfields
- Greenhanded-The
- Greenhand Family
- Greenholm
- Greenleaf
- Greenway
- Greenwood the Great
- Green Bough of Return
- Green Dragon
- Green Hills
- Green Hill Country
- Green Isle
- Green Mound
- Green-Elves
- Grey
- Greycloak
- Greyflood
- Greyhame
- Greylin
- Greymantle
- Grey Company
- Grey Havens
- Grey Mountains
- Grey Pilgrim
- Grey Wanderer
- Grey Wood
- Grey-Elven
- Grey-elves
- Grey-elves of Mithrim
- Gridle of melian
- Griffo Boffin
- Gríma Wormtongue
- Grimbeorn the Old
- Grimbold of Westfold
- Grimslade
- Grindwall
- Grishnakh
- Grithnir
- Gróin
- Grond 2
- Gror
- Guarwaith
- Guilin
- Gulf of Lhûn
- Gulf of Lune
- Gulls
- Gundabad
- Gundabald Bolger
- Gundahad Bolger
- Gundahar Bolger
- Gundolpho Bolger
- Gundor
- Hadhodrond
- Hador
- Hador of Gondor
- Haladin
- Halbarad
- Haldad
- Haldan
- Haldar
- Haldir of Lorien
- Haldir of the Haladin
- Halethrim
- Haleth daughter of Haldad
- Halfast Gamgee
- Halfling
- Halflings
- Halflings’ Leaf
- Halfred Gamgee
- Halfred Greenhand
- Half-elven
- Half-orcs
- Halifirien
- Halimath
- Hallacar
- Hallas
- Hallatan
- Halls of Mandos
- Halls of Waiting
- Hall of Fire
- Hall of the Kings
- Halmir
- Háma Doorward of Théoden
- Hamfast Gardner
- Hamfast ‘Gaffer’ Gamgee
- Hammerhand
- Hammer of the Underworld
- Hamson Gamgee
- Handir
- Harad
- Haradrim
- Haradwaith
- Harad Road
- Hareth
- Harfoots
- Harlindon
- Harlond in Gondor
- Harlond in Lindon
- Harnen
- Harrowdale
- Harry Goatleaf
- Hasufel
- Hathol
- Haudh in Gwanur
- Haudh-en-Elleth
- Haudh-en-Ndengin
- Haudh-en-Nirnaeth
- Havens of Sirion
- Havens of the Falas
- Haven of the Swans
- Haven of Umbar
- Haven-finder
- Hawks
- Haysend
- Hay Gate
- Heart of Fire
- Heart of the Mountain
- Heavy-handed
- Hedge
- Heir of Elendil
- Heir of Isildur
- Helcar
- Helcaraxe
- Helevorn
- Hells of Iron
- Helluin
- Helm Hammerhand
- Helm of Hador
- Helm’s Deep
- Helm’s Dike
- Helm’s Gate
- Henneth Annun
- Herion
- Herucalmo
- Herugrim
- Herumor
- Her Ladyship
- Hewer of Caves
- Hidden City
- Hidden King
- Hidden Kingdom
- Hidden Rock
- High Elves
- High Faroth
- High Hay
- High King
- High King of Arda
- High King of Arnor
- High King of the Elves
- High King of the Noldor
- High Ones of Arda
- High Pass
- High-captain of Angband
- High-elven
- Hildeson
- Hildifons Took
- Hildigrim Took
- Hildor
- Hildorien
- Hill
- Hills of Evendim
- Hill of Himring
- Hill of Sight
- Hill of Spies
- Hill of the Eye
- Hill-men
- Hill-trolls
- Himlad
- Himling
- Himring
- Hirgon
- Hirilonde
- Hirilorn
- Hirluin
- Hisime
- Hithaeglir
- Hither Lands
- Hither Shore
- Hithlum
- Hoarwell
- Hobbiton
- Hobbiton Hill
- Hobbits
- Hobbits of Bree
- Hobbits of the Shire
- Hobbit-holes
- Hobgoblins
- Hobson
- Hob Gammidge
- Holbytlan
- Holdwine
- Hollin
- Holly
- Holman Cotton
- Holman Greenhand
- Holy Mountain: Meneltarma
- Holy Mountain: Taniquetil
- Holy Ones
- Hope
- Hornblower
- Hornburg
- Hornrock
- Horn-call of Buckland
- Horsebreeders
- Horses
- Horse-lords
- Hounds
- Hound of Valinor
- Houses of Healing
- Houses of the Dead
- House of Beor
- House of Durin
- House of Elendil
- House of Elrond
- House of Eorl
- House of Feanor
- House of Finarfin
- House of Fingolfin
- House of Hador
- House of Haleth
- House of Hurin
- House of Isildur
- House of Ransom
- House of the Golden Flower
- House of the Kings
- House of the Mirdain
- House of the Stewards (tomb)
- Hrive
- Huan
- Hunter (Creature of Morgoth)
- Hunter (Title)
- Hunthor
- Hunting of the Wolf
- Huntsman of the Valar
- Huor
- Huorns
- Hurin I
- Hurin II
- Hurin of Emyn Arnen
- Hurin of the First Age
- Hyarastorni
- Hyarmendacil I
- Hyarmendacil II
- Hyarnustar
- Iant Iaur
- Iarwain Ben-adar
- Iavas
- Îbal
- Ibun
- Icebay of Forochel
- Idril Celebrindal
- Ilberic Brandybuck
- Ilexes
- Illuin
- Ilmarë
- Ilmarin
- Ilmen
- Ilúvatar
- Imlach
- Imladris
- Imlad Morgul
- Imloth Melui
- Imrahil
- Imrazôr the Númenórean
- Incánus
- Indis
- Indor
- Inglorion
- Ingold
- Ingwë
- Inland Sea of Helcar
- Inn of Bree
- Inscrutable
- Inziladûn
- Inzilbêth
- Ioreth
- Iorlas
- Irensaga
- Írildë
- Írimon
- Iris
- Irmo
- Ironfoot
- Iron Crown
- Iron Hills
- Iron Mountains
- Iron of Death
- Isembard Took
- Isembold Took
- Isen
- Isengard
- Isengarders
- Isengar Took
- Isengrim Took II
- Isengrim Took III
- Isenmouthe
- Isil
- Isildur
- Isildur’s Bane
- Isildur’s Heir
- Isilmë
- Isilmo
- Isilya
- Isle of Balar
- Isle of Meneltarma
- Isle of Werewolves
- Istar
- Istari
- Isumbras Took I
- Isumbras Took III
- Isumbras Took IV
- Ithil
- Ithilbor
- Ithildin
- Ithilien
- Ithil-stone
- Ithron
- Ithryn
- Ithryn Luin
- Ivanneth
- Ivorwen
- Ivrin
- Ivy Bush
- Ivy Goodenough
- Kalimac Brandagamba
- Karmë
- Karningul
- Keepers of the Three Rings
- Kelos
- Kelvar
- Kementári
- Key of Orthanc
- Khamul
- Khand
- Khazâd
- Khazad-dum
- Kheled-zâram
- Khîm
- Khuzdul
- Kibil-nâla
- Kili
- Kindler
- Kine of Araw
- Kingdoms of the Dúnedain
- Kingdom of Dain
- Kingdom of the North
- Kingdom of the Rohirrim
- Kingdom of the South
- Kingdom Under the Mountain
- Kingdom-The
- Kingsfoil
- Kingsland
- Kings of Men
- Kings' Norbury
- King of all the Dúnedain
- King of Arda
- King of Arnor
- King of Arthedain
- King of Calenardhon
- King of Dale
- King of Doriath
- King of Durin’s Folk
- King of Eagles
- King of Gondolin
- King of Gondor
- King of Gondor and Arnor
- King of Khazad-dûm
- King of Lórien
- King of Minas Morgul
- King of Nargothrond
- King of Númenor
- King of Rhovanion
- King of Rohan
- King of the Dead
- King of the Dúnedain
- King of the Eldar
- King of the Éothéod
- King of the Mark
- King of the Mountains
- King of the Noldor
- King of the North
- King of the North-kingdom
- King of the Rohirrim
- King of the Sea
- King of the Silvan Elves
- King of the West
- King Under the Mountain
- King's Archers
- King's Company
- King's Court
- King's Heir
- King's House
- King's Men
- King's Party
- King's Reckoning
- King's Riders
- King's Writer
- King-helm of Turgon
- Kinslaying
- Kin-strife
- Kirinki
- Kuduk
- Kûd-dûkan
- Labadal
- Ladybarrow
- Lady of Lórien
- Lady of Rohan
- Lady of the Galadhrim
- Lady of the Golden Wood
- Lady of the Seas
- Lady of the Shield-arm
- Lady of the Stars
- Lady of the Star-brow
- Laer
- Laer Cú Beleg
- Lagduf
- Laiquendi
- Lairë
- Lake Evendim
- Lake Mithrim
- Lake Núrnen
- Lake-men
- Lake-town
- Lalaith
- Lalia Clayhanger
- Lamedon
- Lament for the Two Trees
- Lammoth
- Lamps of the Valar
- Lampwrights' Street
- Lan
- Landroval
- lands
- Land of Bow and Helm
- Land of Gift
- Land of Seven Rivers
- Land of the Dead that Live
- Land of the Halflings
- Land of Willows
- Last Battle
- Last Homely House
- Last Riding of the Keepers
- Last-king
- Later Ages
- Laurelindórenan
- Lay of Leithian
- Lebennin
- Legolas Greenleaf
- Lembas
- Lenwë
- Léod
- Lidless Eye
- Light of the Trees
- Loa
- Lómion
- Lords of the Valar
- Lords of the West
- Lords of Valinor
- Lord and Lady
- Lord of Gifts
- Lord of the Breath of Arda
- Lord of the Ring
- Lord of the West
- Lord of Waters
- Lórellin
- Lórinand
- Losgar
- Lothlórien
- Lugbúrz
- Luinil
- Lumbar
- Lúthien Tinúviel
- Mablung
- Mablung of the Heavy Hand
- Madoc ‘Proudneck’ Brandybuck
- Mad Baggins
- Maedhros
- Maeglin
- Maggot
- Magic Ring
- Maglor
- Maglor’s Gap
- Magnificent
- Magor
- Mahal
- Máhanaxar
- Mahtan
- Maia
- Maiar
- Maiar of the Sea
- Mairen
- Malach Aradan
- Malantur
- Malbeth the Seer
- Malduin
- Malgalad
- Malinalda
- Malinornë
- Malinorni
- Mallor
- Mallos
- Malva Headstrong
- Malvegil
- Mámandil
- Mandos
- Mannish
- Mansbane
- Mansion of the Khazâd
- Manwë
- Manwendil
- Many Colours
- Man of the West
- Man-hearted
- Man-high
- Marach
- Marchbuck Family
- Marcho
- March of Maedhros
- Mardil Voronwë
- Marhari
- Marhwini
- Marigold Gamgee
- Mariner
- Mariner’s Wife
- Marish
- Mark
- Marmadas Brandybuck
- Marmadoc Brandybuck ‘the Masterful’
- Marroc Brandybuck
- Marshal of the East-mark
- Marshal of the Mark
- Mar-nu-Falmar
- Master
- Masterful
- Masterstone
- Masters of Spirits
- Masters of Stone
- Master of Buckland
- Master of Doom
- Master of Lake-town
- Master of the Fates of Arda
- Master of the Hall
- Master Stone
- Mathoms
- Mathom-house
- Mat Heathertoes
- Mauhúr
- May
- Mayor of Michel Delving
- Mayor of the Shire
- May Gamgee
- Mearas
- Mede
- Meduseld
- Meleth
- Melian
- Melilot Brandybuck
- Melkor
- Mellon
- Mellyrn (Mallorns)
- Men
- Menegilda Goold
- Menegroth
- Menel
- Meneldor
- Meneldur
- Menelmacar
- Meneltarma
- Menelvagor
- Menelya
- Men of Arnor
- Men of Bree
- Men of Brethil
- Men of Dale
- Men of Darkness
- Men of Dorthonion
- Men of Dor-lómin
- Men of Dunland
- Men of Eriador
- Men of Gondor
- Men of Haleth
- Men of Harad
- Men of Hithlum
- Men of Middle-earth
- Men of Minas Tirith
- Men of Númenor
- Men of Old
- Men of Rhûn
- Men of Rohan
- Men of the Éothéod
- Men of the Long Lake
- Men of the Mark
- Men of the Mountains
- Men of the North (in the First Age)-The Men of Hithlum
- Men of the North (in the Third Age)-The Northmen of Rhovanion
- Men of the Vales of Anduin
- Men of the West
- Men of Westernesse
- Meresdei
- Meres of Twilight
- Merethrond
- Mereth Aderthad
- Meriadoc ‘Merry’ Brandybuck
- Merimac Brandybuck
- Merimas Brandybuck
- Mering Stream
- Merry Gamgee
- Mersday
- Messenger of Mordor
- Methedras
- Methed-en-glad
- Mettarë
- Mewlips
- Mice
- Michel Delving
- Mickleburg
- Middle Peoples
- Mid-year's Day
- Minastan
- Minastir
- Minas Ithil
- Minas Morgul
- Minas Tirith
- Minas Tirith 2
- Mindeb
- Mindolluin
- Mindon Eldaliéva
- Mines of Moria
- Minhiriath
- Minlamed thent / estent
- Minohtar
- Minstrel-The
- Minto Burrows
- Minuial
- Min-Rimmon
- Mirabella Took
- Mírdain
- Míriel
- Míriel Serindë
- Mirror of Galadriel
- Mithril
- Mithrim
- Moors of the Nibin-noeg
- Morannon
- Mordor
- Mordor-orcs
- Morgai
- Morgoth
- Morgul
- Morgulduin
- Morgul Pass
- Morgul Vale
- Morgul Valley
- Morgul-king
- Morgul-knives
- Morgul-lord
- Morgul-road
- Morgul-sheen
- Morgul-way
- Morgul-wounds
- Moria
- Moria Gate
- Moria-silver
- Moriquendi
- Mormegil
- Moro Burrows
- Morrowdim
- Mortals
- Morthond
- Morthond Vale
- Morwen
- Morwen Steelsheen
- Mosco Burrows
- Moths
- Mounds of Mundburg
- Mound of Elendil
- Mound of the Elf-maid
- Mountains of Aman
- Mountains of Angmar
- Mountains of Defence
- Mountains of Dor-lómin
- Mountains of Iron
- Mountains of Lune
- Mountains of Mirkwood
- Mountains of Mithrim
- Mountains of Moria
- Mountains of Shadow
- Mountains of Shadow 2
- Mountains of Terror
- Mountains of the East
- Mountain Kingdom
- Mountain of Fire
- Mountain of Manwë
- Mountain Wall
- Mountain-The
- Mountain-The White
- Mountain-trolls
- Mount Dolmed
- Mount Doom
- Mount Everwhite
- Mount Fang
- Mount Gram
- Mount Gundabad
- Mount Rerir
- Mount Taras
- Mourning
- Mouths of Anduin
- Mouths of Entwash
- Mouths of Onodló
- Mouths of Sirion
- Mouth of Sauron
- Mrs. Lily Cotton (née Lily Brown)
- Mrs. Maggot
- Mugwort
- Mûmakil
- Mundburg
- Mungo Baggins
- Mushrooms
- Music of the Ainur
- Muster of Edoras
- Muster of Rohan
- Muster of the East-mark
- Muzgash
- Myrtle Burrows
- Nahald
- Nahar
- Náin
- Náin I
- Náin II
- Naith
- Náli
- Nameless Things
- Námo
- Nandor
- Nandorin
- Nanduhirion
- Nan Curunír
- Nan Dungortheb
- Nan Elmoth
- Nan-tasarion
- Nan-tathren
- Nár
- Narbeleth
- Narchost
- Nardol
- Nargothrond
- Nárië
- Narmacil I
- Narmacil II
- Narn i Chîn Húrin
- Narog
- Narquelië
- Narrows of the Forest
- Narrow Ice
- Narsil
- Narsilion
- Narvi
- Narvinyë
- Narya
- Nauglamír
- Naugrim
- Nazgûl
- Nazgûl Lord
- Nazgûl of Dol Guldur
- Near Harad
- Necklace of the Dwarves
- Necromancer
- Needlehole
- Neekerbreekers
- Neithan
- Nellas
- Nénar
- Nénimë
- Nenning
- Nenuial
- Nenya
- Nen Girith
- Nen Hithoel
- Nen Lalaith
- Nerdanel
- Nernehta
- Nerwen
- Nessa
- Nessamelda
- Nessanië
- Nether Darkness
- Nevrast
- Newbury
- New Row
- Nibin-noeg
- Nibin-Nogrim
- Nienna
- Niënor Níniel
- Nightingales
- Night-fearers
- Nimbrethil
- Nimloth
- Nimphelos
- Nimrodel
- Nina Lightfoot
- Nindalf
- Nindamos
- Nine Riders
- Nine Rings
- Nine Ringwraiths
- Nine Servants
- Nine Walkers
- Níniel
- Ninquelótë
- Nínui
- Nîn-in-Eilph
- Niphredil
- Nirnaeth Arnoediad
- Nísimaldar
- Nísinen
- Nivrim
- Nob
- Nobottle
- Noegyth Nibin
- Nogrod
- Noirinan
- Noldo
- Noldolantë
- Noldor
- Noldor of Eregion
- Nólimon
- Nolondil
- Nóm
- Noman
- Nómin
- Noontide of Valinor
- Nora Bolger
- Norbury of the Kings
- Nori
- Norland
- North
- Northerland
- Northerners
- Northern Dúnedain
- Northern Men
- Northfarthing of the Shire
- Northlands
- Northlands of Númenor
- Northmen
- Northmen of Rhovanion
- North Cape
- North Downs
- North Gate
- North Ithilien
- North Road of Ithilien
- North Undeep
- North-kingdom
- North-realm
- North-South Road
- North-took Family
- Nórui
- Núath
- Nulukkizdîn
- Númenor
- Númenórë
- Númenórean
- Númenóreans
- Númenórean Realms
- Númerrámar
- Nunduinë
- Núneth
- Nurn
- Nurtalë Valinóreva
- Oakenshield
- Oaks
- Oathbreakers
- Oath of Eorl
- Oath of Feanor
- Oghor-hai
- Ogres
- Ohtar
- Oin King of Durin's Folk
- Oin son of Groin
- Oiolaire
- Oiolosse
- Old
- Oldbuck
- Old Ford
- Old Forest
- Old Forest Road
- Old Gammidgy
- Old Man Willow
- Old Mill
- Old Road
- Old Rory Brandybuck
- Old Toby
- Old Took
- Old Winyards
- Oliphaunts
- Olog-hai
- Olorin
- Olwe
- Ondoher
- Ondolinde
- Ondosto
- One
- One Ring
- One-hand
- Onodlo
- Onodrim
- Orald
- Orcrist
- Orcs
- Orcs of the Mountains
- Orcs of the Red Eye
- Orc-holds
- Orfalch Echor
- Orgaladh
- Orgaladhad
- Ori
- Orkish
- Ormal
- Ornendil
- Orocarni
- Orodreth of Gondor
- Orodreth of Nargothrond
- Orodruin
- Orome
- Oromendil
- Oropher
- Orophin
- Orrostar
- Orthanc
- Orthanc-stone
- Osgiliath
- Osse
- Ossiriand
- Ostoher
- Ost-in-Edhil
- Otho Sackville-Baggins
- Outer Lands
- Outer Sea
- Overhill
- Overlithe
- Oxen
- Paladin Took II
- Palantíri
- Palarran
- Pallando
- Pansy Baggins
- Parmatéma
- Parth Celebrant
- Parth Galen
- Party Field
- Pass of Aglon
- Pass of Anach
- Pass of Light
- Pass of Sirion
- Paths of the Dead
- Peace of Arda
- Pearl Took
- Pelargir
- Pelendur
- Pelennor Fields
- Pelóri
- Pengolodh
- Peony Baggins
- people
- People of Bëor
- People of Hador
- People of Haleth
- People of the Stars
- Peredhil
- Peregrin ‘Pippin’ Took I
- Periannath
- Pervinca Took
- Petty-dwarves
- Phantoms
- Pharazôn
- Phial of Galadriel
- Phurunargian
- Pillar of Heaven
- Pimpernel Took
- Pimple
- Pincup
- Pines
- Pinnacle of Orthanc
- Pinnath Gelin
- Pipe-weed
- Pippin Gardner
- Plateau of Gorgoroth
- Polo Baggins
- Ponies
- Ponto Baggins
- Pools of Ivrin
- Poppy Chubb-Baggins
- Poros
- Porto Baggins
- Posco Baggins
- Potatoes
- Powers
- Powers of Arda
- Powers of the World
- Prancing Pony
- Precious
- Pre-Númenórean
- Primrose Boffin
- Primrose Gardner
- Primula Brandybuck
- Prince of Dol Amroth
- Prince of Ithilien
- Prince of the Halflings
- Prisca Baggins
- Proudfoot Family
- Proudneck
- Puddifoot Family
- Púkel-men
- Rabbits
- Radagast
- Radbug
- Radhruin
- Rainy Stair
- Ramdal
- Rammas Echor
- Rána
- Ranga
- Rangers
- Rangers of Ithilien
- Rangers of the North
- Ranugad
- Ras Morthil
- Rathlóriel
- Rath Celerdain
- Rath Dínen
- Rats
- Ravenhill
- Ravens
- Ravines of Teiglin
- Realms in Exile
- Reckoning of Rivendell
- Redhorn
- Redhorn Gate
- Redhorn Pass
- Red Arrow
- Red Book of the Periannath
- Red Book of Westmarch
- Red Eye
- Red Maw
- Red Ring
- Red-The
- Regent of Gondor
- Reginard Took
- Remmirath
- Renewer-The
- Rethe
- Return of the Noldor
- Reunited Kingdom
- Revised Calendar
- Rhîw
- Rhosgobel
- Rhovanion
- Rhudaur
- Rhûn
- Rían
- Riddle-game
- Riders of Eorl
- Riders of Rohan
- Riders of Théoden
- Riders of the Mark
- Rider-The
- Ride of Eorl
- Rimmon
- Ringarë
- Ringday
- Ringil
- Ringlord
- Ringló Vale
- Rings of Power
- Ringwil
- Ringwraiths
- Ring of Adamant
- Ring of Air
- Ring of Barahir
- Ring of Doom
- Ring of Durin
- Ring of Fire
- Ring of Isengard
- Ring of Isildur
- Ring of Sapphire
- Ring of the Enemy
- Ring of Thrór
- Ring of Water
- Ring-bearers
- Ring-bearer-The
- Ring-finder
- Ring-maker
- Ring-The
- Rivendell
- River Baranduin
- River Brandywine
- River Brilthor
- River Brithon
- River Bruinen
- River Ciril
- River Duilwen
- River Glanduin
- River Glithui
- River Langflood
- River Langwell
- River Lhûn
- River of Gondor
- River Redwater
- River Rhibdath
- River Ringló
- River Running
- River Rushdown
- River Withywindle
- River-daughter
- River-The
- River-woman
- Rivil
- Rivil's Well
- Roäc
- Robin Gamgee
- Robin Smallburrow
- Rochand
- Rochann
- Rock of the Music of Water
- Rodyn
- Róg
- Rógin
- Rohan
- Roheryn
- Rohirrim
- Rollo Boffin
- Rómendacil I
- Rómendacil II
- Rómenna
- Roper Family
- Roper Gamgee
- Roquen
- Rorimac 'Goldfather' Brandybuck
- Rosamunda Took
- Rosa Baggins
- Roses
- Rose Gamgee
- Ruling Ring
- Ruling Steward
- Rúmil
- Rúmil of Lórien
- Runes
- Runes of Doriath
- Rushey
- Rushlight Family
- Rushock Bog
- Sackville Family
- Sackville-Baggins Family
- Sack of Erebor
- Sack of Nargothrond
- Sadoc Brandybuck
- Sador
- Saeros
- Sage
- Salvia Brandybuck
- Saradas Brandybuck
- Saradoc 'Scattergold' Brandybuck
- Sarch nia Hîn Húrin
- Sarn Athrad
- Sarn Ford
- Sarn Gebir
- Saruman
- Sauron
- Sauron's Isle
- Sauron's Road
- Scary
- Scatha
- Scattergold
- Sceptre
- Sceptre of Annúminas
- Sceptre of Númenor
- Scrolls-The
- Scroll of Isildur
- Scroll of Kings
- Seal of the Stewards
- Seat of Amon Hen
- Sea of Núrnen
- Sea of Rhûn
- Sea-elves
- Sea-kings
- Secondborn
- Second Age
- Second Battle
- Second Battle of the Fords of Isen
- Second Gate
- Second Hall
- Second Marshal of the Riddermark
- Second Music of the Ainur
- Second People
- Second Prophecy of Mandos
- Secret Fire
- Seeing-stones
- Seeing-stones of Númenor
- Seeing-stone of Emyn Beraid
- Self-cursed
- Seredic Brandybuck
- Seregon
- Serindë
- Serni
- Serpents
- Seventh Gate
- Seven Gates of Gondolin
- Seven Hoards
- Seven Names of Gondolin
- Seven Rings
- Seven Rivers of Ossir
- Seven Sons of Fëanor
- Seven Stars
- Seven Stones
- Shadowy Seas
- Shadow Host
- Simbelmynë
- Smaug
- Sméagol
- son of Balbo
- son of Posco
- Steward of Gondor
- Steward of the King
- Straight Way
- Strangers
- Strawberries
- Strawheads
- Strider
- Strider 2
- Strongbow
- Stunted People
- Stybba
- Súlimë
- surname of Mardil
- surname of Turin
- Súthburg
- Sûza
- Swanfleet
- Swanhaven
- Swans
- Sweet Galenas
- Swertings
- Swish-tail
- Swordsman of the Sky
- Sword of Elendil
- Sword-that-was-Broken
- S.-B.s
- Talans
- Talath Dirnen
- Tale of Grief
- Tale of the Children of Hurin
- Tale of the Ring
- Tale of Years
- Tall
- Taniquetil
- Tanta Hornblower
- Tarannon Falastur
- Taras
- Taras-ness
- Tarcil
- Tarciryan
- Tarion
- Tarlang’s Neck
- Tarn Aeluin
- Tarondor of Arnor
- Tarondor of Gondor
- Tarostar
- Tar-Alcarin
- Tar-Aldarion
- Tar-Amandil
- Tar-Anarion
- Tar-Ancalimë
- Tar-Ancalimon
- Tar-Anducal
- Tar-Ardamin
- Tar-Atanamir the Great
- Tar-Calion
- Tar-Calmacil
- Tar-Ciryatan
- Tar-Elendil
- Tar-Herunumen
- Tar-Meneldur
- Tar-Minastir
- Tar-Minyatur
- Tar-Palantir
- Tar-Surion
- Tar-Telemmaite
- Tar-Telperien
- Tar-Vanimelde
- Tasarinan
- Tauron
- Taur-en-Faroth
- Taur-e-Ndaedelos
- Taur-im-Duinath
- Taur-nu-Fuin (Dorthonion)
- Taur-nu-Fuin (Mirkwood)
- Ted Sandyman
- Tehtar
- Teiglin
- Telchar
- Telco
- Telcontar
- Telemnar
- Teleporno
- Teleri
- Telerin
- Telperion
- Telumehtar
- Telumehtar Umbardacil
- Temar
- Tengwar
- Thain of the Shire
- Thain’s Book
- Thalion
- Thalos
- Thangorodrim
- Tharbad
- Thargelion
- Tharkun
- Thengel
- Theoden
- Theodred
- Theodwyn
- the Avari
- The Causeway
- The Causeway 2
- The Children of Húrin
- The Nine
- The Pool
- The Unwilling
- The Wold
- The Wooden Whale
- Thingol
- Thingol’s Heir
- Third Age
- Third Clan
- Third House of the Edain
- Third Marshal of the Riddermark
- Thistlewool
- Thistle Brook
- Thorin and Company
- Thorin I
- Thorin III Stonehelm
- Thorin II Oakenshield
- Thorondir
- Thorondor
- Thorongil
- Thousand Caves
- Thrain I
- Thrain II
- Thranduil
- Three Houses of the Edain
- Three Houses of the Elf-friends
- Three Keepers
- Three Kindreds
- Three Rings
- Three-Farthing Stone
- Thrihyrne
- Thrimidge
- Thror
- Thror’s Map
- Thrushes
- Thuringwethil
- Tighfield
- Tilion
- Timeless Halls
- Tindome
- Tindomiel
- Tindrock
- Tintalle
- Tinuviel
- Tirion
- Tobold Hornblower
- Tolfalas
- Tolkein Legendarium
- Tolman Gardner
- Tolman 'Tom' Cotton junior
- Tolman 'Tom' Cotton senior
- Tol Brandir
- Tol Eressëa
- Tol Fuin
- Tol Galen
- Tol Morwen
- Tol Sirion
- Tol-in-Gaurhoth
- Tom
- Tomb of Elendil
- Tom Bombadil
- Took
- Tookbank
- Tookland
- Torech Ungol
- Torog
- Towers of the Teeth
- Tower Hills
- Tower of Amon Sul
- Tower of Avallone
- Tower of Cirith Ungol
- Tower of Ecthelion
- Tower of Guard
- Tower of Orthanc
- Tower of Sorcery
- Tower of the King
- Tower of the Moon
- Tower of the Rising Moon
- Tower of the Setting Sun
- Trahald
- Translations from the Elvish
- Travellers
- Treebeard
- Trees of Silver and Gold
- Trolls
- Trollshaws
- Tuckborough
- Tuile
- Tuilere
- Tulkas
- Tumhalad
- Tumladen
- Tumunzahar
- Tuna
- Tunnelly
- Tuor
- Turambar
- Turambar King of Gondor
- Turgon
- Turin I
- Turin II
- Turin Turambar
- Turnips
- Turuphanto
- Twilight Meres
- Twilit Meres
- Two Kindreds
- Two Kingdoms
- Two Trees of the Valar
- Two Trees of Valinor
- Two Watchers
- Tyeller
- Tyelpetema
- Tyrn Gorthad
- Udûn
- Uffo Boffin
- Ufthak
- Uglúk
- Uial
- Uilos
- Uinen
- Uinendili
- Uinéniel
- Úlairi
- Ulbar
- Uldor the Accursed
- Ulfang the Black
- Ulfast
- Ulmo
- Ulrad
- Ulumúri
- Ulwarth
- Úmanyar
- Úmarth
- Umbar
- Umbardacil
- Undeeps
- Underharrow
- Underhill
- Underhill Family
- Underking
- Undertowers
- Undómë
- Undómiel
- Undying Lands
- Undying Realm
- Úner
- Ungoliant
- Union of Maedhros
- Unlight
- Unnumbered Tears
- Unwilling
- Upbourn
- Urimë
- Urthel
- Urui
- Uruks
- Uruk-hai
- Urulóki
- Urwen
- Usurper
- Usurpers
- Uttermost West
- Utumno
- Vaire
- Valacar
- Valacirca
- Valandil of Arnor
- Valandil of Numenor
- Valandur
- Valaquenta
- Valar
- Valaraukar
- Valaroma
- Vales of Anduin
- Vales of Sirion
- Valiant
- Valier
- Valimar
- Valinor
- Valinorean
- Valmar
- Vampires
- Vana
- Vanyar
- Vardamir
- Varda Elentari
- Variags
- Vasa
- Veantur
- Venturers
- Vidugavia
- Vidumavi
- Vilya
- Vingilot
- Vinitharya
- Vinyalonde
- Vinyamar
- Vinyarion
- Viresse
- Vision of Iluvatar
- Void
- Voronda
- Vorondil
- Voronwe
- Wain
- Wainriders
- Walda
- Walls of Moria
- Walls of Night
- Walls of the World
- Wall’s End
- Wandlimb
- Wand of the Stewards
- Warden of the Great Gate
- Warden of the Houses of Healing
- Warden of the Keys
- Warden of Westmarch
- Wargs
- Wars of Beleriand
- War of the Dwarves and the Orcs
- War of the Elves and Sauron
- War of the Jewels
- War of the Last Alliance
- War of the Ring
- War of Wrath
- Watcher in the Water
- Watchful Peace
- Watchwood
- Water of Awakening
- Water-lilies
- Water-The
- Waybread
- Waymeet
- Wayward-The
- Weathertop
- Weather Hills
- Wedmath
- Wellinghall
- Werewolves
- Were-worms
- Westemnet
- Westernesse
- Western Sea
- Westfarthing of the Shire
- Westfold
- Westfolders
- Westfold Vale
- Westfold-men
- Westlands of Middle-earth
- Westlands of Númenor
- Westmansweed
- Westmarch of the Shire
- Westron
- West Beleriand
- West of the World
- West over Sea
- West Road
- West-gate of Bree
- West-gate of Moria
- West-march of Rohan
- West-mark
- West-The
- West-wings
- Wetwang
- Wheat
- Whiteskins
- White Council
- White Downs
- White Face
- White Hand
- White Horse
- White House of Erendis
- White Lady of Gondolin
- White Lady of Rohan
- White Lady of the Noldor
- White Mountains
- White Rider
- White Ring
- White Ship
- White Tower
- White Tree
- White Tree of Isildur
- White Tree of Minas Tirith
- White Tree of Númenor
- White Tree of Tol Eressëa
- White Wolves
- White-socks
- White-The
- Whitfurrows
- Whitwell
- Wídfara
- Widow Rumble
- Wilcome ‘Jolly’ Cotton
- Wilcome ‘Will’ Cotton
- Wilderland
- Wildman of the Woods
- Wild Men
- Wild Men of the Woods
- Wild-The
- Wilibald Bolger
- Wilimar Bolger
- William ‘Bill’ Huggins
- Willie Banks
- Willowbottom
- Willows
- Will Whitfoot
- Wilwarin
- Windfola
- Windlord
- Window of the Eye
- Winged Creatures
- Winged Messenger
- Winged Nazgûl
- Winged Shadows
- Wingfoot
- Winterfilth
- Wintring
- Wiseman Gamwich
- Wise-nose
- Wise-The
- Witchwife
- Witch-king of Angmar
- Withered Heath
- Withy-path
- Witnesses of Manwë
- Wizards
- Wizard’s Vale
- Wolf
- Wolfriders
- Wolf-Sauron
- Wolf-The
- Wolves
- Woodhall
- Woodland Realm
- Woodmen
- Woodwose
- Woodwoses
- Woody End
- Wood of Greenleaves
- Wood-elves
- Wood-The
- Worm
- Worms
- Wormtongue
- Worm of Morgoth
- Worm-The
- Woses
- Wraiths
- Wraith-world
- Wronged-The
- Wulf