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من که از همین سایته سفارش دادم تموم شد و رفت آقااااااا باورم نمیشهههههه!!!!!

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من که از همین سایته سفارش دادم تموم شد و رفت آقااااااا باورم نمیشهههههه!!!!!

دستت رسید ما رو هم خبر کن سفارش بدیم :'|

تنکس ا لات

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Gandalf the Grey

اگه خدا بخواد فردا صبح میرم دفتر انتشارات و همون جا کتاب رو می خرم ، هرطوری حساب کردم با هرمدل سفارش دادن ، دیرتر دستم میرسه ، در حالی که فاصله خونه تا دفتر انتشارات در بدترین حالت 45 دقیقه هست!

فقط یکمی حالم گرفته شد که اون بخش باقی مونده ترجمه نشده و با این کتاب زیر چاپ نرفت ، امیدوارم یه روزی این اتفاق هم بیفته...

انصافا دلم میخواست پارت سوم و چهارم رو به زبون خودمون بهتر درک کنم ، بخش هایی مثل اربور ، ایستاری و ...

با این حال بازهم دست جناب علیزاده درد نکنه.


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این کتاب را از کدوم کتاب فروشی اصفهان میشه تهیه کرد؟ اصلا چیزی از این 1500 نسخه به اصفهان می رسه؟؟

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این کتاب را از کدوم کتاب فروشی اصفهان میشه تهیه کرد؟ اصلا چیزی از این 1500 نسخه به اصفهان می رسه؟؟

والا نمی دونم.شهر کتاب معمولا کتابای تالکین رو داره (البته خیلی وقتا چند جلدش رو نداره و چند تاش رو داره).نمیدونم چرا فکر میکنم اگه بیاد اصفهان احتمالا یکی از اولین جاها اونجا باشه (هیچ دلیل منطقی ای ندارم براش!!!)

من از تهران گرفتم.اگه بخواین میتونم براتون بگیرم بار بعد که اومدم اصفهان بهتون بدم!

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سیه تیغ

من پنج شش تا سكته ناقص و كامل زدم با اين خبر! سفارش ميدهيم!

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عزیزانی که کتاب رو دارن، میشه عناوین ضمایم رو هم قرار بدن؟


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عزیزانی که کتاب رو دارن، میشه عناوین ضمایم رو هم قرار بدن؟


ضمیمه الف : الف های جنگلی و زبان آنان

ضمیمه ب : امیران سینداری الف های جنگلی

ضمیمه ت : حد و مرز لورین

ضمیمه ث : بندر لوند دایر

ضمیمه ج : نام های کله بورن و گالادریل

پ.ن : اینکه حرف «پ» کجا رفته، منم نمیدونم

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پ.ن : اینکه حرف «پ» کجا رفته، منم نمیدونم


ببخشین بابت اسپم ولی فکر میکنم که حروف به ترتیب الفبای عربی نوشته شدن و برای همین حرف "پ" لحاظ نشده.


الآن خیلی زورم میاد که چرا آقای علیزاده دوران اول و سوم رو ترجمه نکرده! به هرحال ممنون از ایشون.

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Gandalf the Grey


ببخشین بابت اسپم ولی فکر میکنم که حروف به ترتیب الفبای عربی نوشته شدن و برای همین حرف "پ" لحاظ نشده.


الآن خیلی زورم میاد که چرا آقای علیزاده دوران اول و سوم رو ترجمه نکرده! به هرحال ممنون از ایشون.

دوست عزیز ، دوران اول کتاب همون "فرزندان هورین" و ضمیمه اون "تور و آمدن او به گوندولین" هست ، اون فصل خودش یک کتاب مجزا شد.

دوران سوم و فصل چهارم کتاب که در مورد سه مطلب از جمله ایستاری هست هنوز باقی مونده.

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دوست عزیز ، دوران اول کتاب همون "فرزندان هورین" و ضمیمه اون "تور و آمدن او به گوندولین" هست ، اون فصل خودش یک کتاب مجزا شد.

دوران سوم و فصل چهارم کتاب که در مورد سه مطلب از جمله ایستاری هست هنوز باقی مونده.

ممنون بابات توضیحاتتون.دوران اول رو که میدونستم که همون نارن ای هین هورینه ولی یه خورده فرق دارن با هم مثلا شما فصل سوم نارن ای هین هورین رو با همون قسمتش از UNFINISHED TALES مقایسه کنین اولاشون یه خورده با هم فرق داره اما حقیقتا این فرق جزئیه و مهم نیست.راجع به دوران سوم به این نتیجه رسیدم که خودمون باید دست به کار شیم:دی


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کتاب فرزندان هورین با چیزی که توی بخش اول داستانهای ناتمام اومده کاملا متفاوته. توی داستانهای ناتمام میاد و نسخه های دیگه داستان رو با داستان اصلی و منتشر شده مقایسه میکنه و جاهایی که یکسان هستن کلا حذف کرده. اصلا شکل داستانی نداره.

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Gandalf the Grey

ممنون از آقا مهدی و جناب رضایی...

بله من یه مقدار بد نوشتم ، منظورم این بود که اصل دوران اول ترجمه شده ، فرق بین نسخه های مختلف و بررسی اونها خوبه ولی نه اینکه یه کتاب جدا بشه ، فعلا اگه نیاز به ترجمه باشه چه کار گروهی بین خودمون یا زحمات جناب علیزاده ، اون فصل سوم و چهارم کتاب واجب تر هست تا فصل یک.

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ممنون آقا مهدی و گاندالف خاکستری بابت توضیحاتتون.حقیقتش من نارن ای هین هورین ترجمه شده رو ندارم اما اینا رو به صورت مقایسه ای با هم خوندم:

حکایت فرزندان هورین-فصل سوم:

Now by the command of Morgoth the Orcs with great labour gathered all the bodies of their enemies, and all

their harness and weapons, and piled them in a mound in the midst of the plain of Anfauglith, and it was like

a great hill that could be seen from afar, and the Eldar named it Haudh-en-Nirnaeth. But grass came there and

grew again long and green upon that hill alone in all the desert; and no servant of Morgoth thereafter trod

upon the earth beneath which the swords of the Eldar and the Edain crumbled into rust. The realm of Fingon

was no more, and the Sons of Fëanor wandered as leaves before the wind. To Hithlum none of the Men of

Hador's House returned, nor any tidings of the battle and the fate of their lords. But Morgoth sent thither Men

who were under his dominion, swarthy Easterlings; and he shut them in that land and forbade them to leave

it. This was all that he gave them of the rich rewards that he had promised them for their treachery to

Maedhros: to plunder and harass the old and the children and womenfolk of Hador's people. The remnant of

the Eldar of Hithlum, all those who did not escape into the wilds and the mountains, he took to the mines of

Angband and they became his thralls. But the Orcs went freely through all the North and pressed ever

southward into Beleriand. There Doriath yet remained, and Nargothrond; but Morgoth gave little heed to

them, either because he knew little of them, or because their hour was not yet come in the designs of his

malice. But his thought ever returned to Turgon.

Therefore Húrin was brought before Morgoth, for Morgoth knew by his arts and his spies that Húrin

had the friendship of the King; and he sought to daunt him with his eyes. But Húrin could not yet be daunted,

and he defied Morgoth. Therefore Morgoth had him chained and set in slow torment; but after a while he

came to him, and offered him his choice to go free whither he would, or to receive power and rank as the

greatest of Morgoth's captains, if he would but reveal where Turgon had his stronghold, and aught else that

he knew of the King's counsels. But Húrin the Steadfast mocked him, saying: 'Blind you are, Morgoth

Bauglir, and blind shall ever be, seeing only the dark. You know not what rules the hearts of Men, and if you

knew you could not give it. But a fool is he who accepts what Morgoth offers. You will take first the price

and then withhold the promise; and I should get only death, if I told you what you ask.'


Then Morgoth laughed, and he said: 'Death you may yet crave of me as a boon.' Then he took Húrin

to the Haudh-en-Nirnaeth, and it was then new-built and the reek of death was upon it; and Morgoth set

Húrin upon its top and bade him look west towards Hithlum, and think of his wife and his son and other kin.

'For they dwell now in my realm,' said Morgoth, 'and they are at my mercy.'

'You have none,' answered Húrin. 'But you will not come at Turgon through them; for they do not

know his secrets.'

Then wrath mastered Morgoth, and he said: 'Yet I may come at you, and all your accursed house; and

you shall be broken on my will, though you all were made of steel.' And he took up a long sword that lay

there and broke it before the eyes of Húrin, and a splinter wounded his face; but Húrin did not blench. Then

Morgoth stretching out his long arm towards Dor-lómin cursed Húrin and Morwen and their offspring,

saying: 'Behold! The shadow of my thought shall lie upon them wherever they go, and my hate shall pursue

them to the ends of the world.'

But Húrin said: 'You speak in vain. For you cannot see them, nor govern them from afar: ndt while

you keep this shape, and desire still to be a King visible on earth.'

Then Morgoth turned upon Húrin, and he said: 'Fool, little among Men, and they are the least of all

that speak! Have you seen the Valar, or measured the power of Manwë and Varda? Do you know the reach of

their thought? Or do you think, perhaps, that their thought is upon you, and that they may shield you from


'I know not,' said Húrin. 'Yet so it might be, if they willed. For the Elder King shall not be dethroned

while Arda endures.'

'You say it,' said Morgoth. 'I am the Elder King: Melkor, first and mightiest of all the Valar, who was

before the world, and made it. The shadow of my purpose lies upon Arda, and all that is in it bends slowly

and surely to my will. But upon all whom you love my thought shall weigh as a cloud of Doom, and it shall

bring them down into darkness and despair. Wherever they go, evil shall arise. Whenever they speak, their

words shall bring ill counsel. Whatsoever they do shall turn against them. They shall die without hope,

cursing both life and death.'

But Húrin answered: 'Do you forget to whom you speak? Such things you spoke long ago to our

fathers; but we escaped from your shadow. And now we have knowledge of you, for we have looked on the

faces that have seen the Light, and heard the voices that have spoken with Manwë. Before Arda you were,

but others also; and you did not make it. Neither are you the most mighty; for you have spent your strength

upon yourself and wasted it in your own emptiness. No more are you now than an escaped thrall of the Valar,

and their chain still awaits you.'

'You have learned the lessons of your masters by rote,' said Morgoth. 'But such childish lore will not

help you, now they are all fled away.'

'This last then I will say to you, thrall Morgoth,' said Húrin, 'and it comes not from the lore of the

Eldar, but is put into my heart in this hour. You; are not the Lord of Men, and shall not be, though all Aida

and Menel fall in your dominion. Beyond the Circles of the World you shall not pursue those who refuse


'Beyond the Circles of the World I will not pursue them,' said Morgoth. 'For beyond the Circles of the

World there is Nothing. But within them they shall not escape me, until they enter into Nothing.'

'You lie,' said Húrin.

'You shall see and you shall confess that I do not lie,' said Morgoth. And taking Húrin back to

Angband he set him in a chair of stone upon a high place of Thangorodrim, from which he could see afar the

land of Hithlum in the west and the lands of Beleriand in the south. There he was bound by the power of

Morgoth; and Morgoth standing beside him cursed him again and set his power upon him, so that he could

not move from that place, nor die, until Morgoth should release him.

'Sit now there,' said Morgoth, 'and look out upon the lands where evil and despair shall come upon

those whom you have delivered to me. For you have dared to mock me, and have questioned the power of

Melkor, Master of the fates of Arda. Therefore with my eyes you shall see, and with my ears you shall hear,

and nothing shall be hidden from you.'

داستانهای ناتمام:

The Words of Húrin and Morgoth

Many songs are sung and many tales are told by the Elves of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, in

which Fingon fell and the flower of the Eldar withered. If all were retold a man's life would not suffice for the hearing; 2 but

now is to be told only of what befell Húrin son of Galdor, Lord o Dor-lómin, when beside the stream of Rivil he was taken

at last alive by the command of Morgoth, and carried off to Angband.

Húrin was brought before Morgoth, for Morgoth knew by his arts and his spies that Húrin had the friendship of the King of

Gondolin; and he sought to daunt him with his eyes. Nut Húrin could not yet be daunted, and be defied Morgoth. Therefore

Morgoth had him chained and set in slow torment; but after a while he came to him, and offered him his choice to go free

whither he would, or to receive power and rank as the greatest of Morgoth's captains, if he would but reveal where Turgon

had his stronghold, and aught else that he knew of the King's counsels. But Húrin the Steadfast mocked him saying: "Blind

you are Morgoth Bauglir, and blind shall ever be, seeing only the dark. You know not what rules the hearts of Men, and if

you knew you could not give it. But a fool is he who accepts what Morgoth offers. You will take first the price and then

withhold the promise; and I should get only death, if I told you what you ask."

Then Morgoth laughed, and he said: "Death you may yet crave from me as a boon." Then he took Húrin to the

Haudh-en-Nirnaeth, and it was then new-built and the reek of death was upon it; and Morgoth set Húrin upon its top and

bade him look west towards Hithlum, and think of his wife and his son and other kin. "For they dwell now in my realm,"

said Morgoth, "and they are at my mercy."

"You have none," answered Húrin. "But you will not come at Turgon through them; for they do not know his secrets."

Then wrath mastered Morgoth, and he said: "Yet I may come at you, and all your accursed house; and you shall be broken

on my will, though you all were made of steel." And he took up a long sword that lay there and broke it before the eyes of

Húrin, and a splinter wounded his face; but Húrin did not blench. Then Morgoth stretching out his long arm towards

Dor-lómin cursed Húrin and Morwen and their offspring, saying: "Behold! The shadow of my thought shall lie upon them

wherever they go, and my hate shall pursue them to the ends of the world."

But Húrin said: "You speak in vain. For you cannot see them, nor govern them from afar: not while you keep this shape,

and desire still to be a King visible upon earth."

Then Morgoth turned upon Húrin, and he said; "Fool, little among Men, and they are the least of all that speak! Have you

seen the Valar, or measured the power of Manwë and Varda? Do you know the reach of their thought? Or do you think,

perhaps that their thought is upon you, and that they may shield from afar?"

"I know not," said Húrin. "Yet so it might be, if they willed. For the Elder King shall not be dethroned while Arda endures."

"You say it," said Morgoth. "I am the Elder King: Melkor, first and mightiest of all the Valar, who was before the world,

and made it. The shadow of my purpose lies upon Arda, and all that is in it bends slowly and surely to my will. But upon all

whom you love my thought shall weigh as a cloud of Doom, and it shall bring them down into darkness and despair.

Wherever they go, evil shall arise. Whenever they speak, their words shall bring ill counsel. Whatsoever they do shall turn

against them. They shall die without hope, cursing both life and death."

But Húrin answered: "Do you forget to whom you speak? Such things you spoke long ago to our fathers; but we escaped

from your shadow. And now we have knowledge of you, for we have looked on the faces that have seen the Light, and

heard the voices that have spoken with Mane. Before Arda you were, but others also; and you did not make it. Neither are

you the most mighty; for you have spent your strength upon yourself and wasted it in your own emptiness. No more are

you now than an escaped thrall of the Valar, and their chain still awaits you."

"You have learned the lessons of your masters by rote," said Morgoth. "But such childish lore will not help you, now they

are all fled away."

"This last then I will say to you, thrall Morgoth," said Húrin, "and it comes not from the lore of the Eldar, but is put into my

heart in this hour. You are not the Lord of Men, and shall not be, though all Arda and Menel fall in your dominion. Beyond

the Circles of the World you shall not pursue those who refuse you."

"Beyond the Circles of the World I will not pursue them," said Morgoth. "For beyond the Circles of the World there is

Nothing. But within them they shall not escape me, until they enter into Nothing."

"You lie," said Húrin.

"You shall see and you shall confess that I do not lie," said Morgoth. And taking Húrin back to Angband he set him in a

chair of stone upon a high place of Thangorodrim, from winch he could see afar the land of Hithlum in the west and the

lands of Beleriand in the south. There he was bound by the power of Morgoth; and Morgoth standing beside him cursed

him again and set his power upon him, so that he could not move from that place, nor die, until Morgoth should release


"Sit now there," said Morgoth, "and look out upon the lands where evil and despair shall come upon those whom you have

delivered to me. For you have dared to mock me, and have questioned the power of Melkor, Master of the fates of Arda.

Therefore with my eyes you shall see, and with my ears you shall hear, and nothing shall be hidden from you."

البته میدونستم که داستانهای ناتمام حالت روایی نداره ولی با خودم فکر میکردم که کریستوفر توی 2004 از روی داستانهای ناتمام نارن ای هین هورین رو منتشر کرده.


ویرایش شده در توسط رضائی.استل

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سیه تیغ

چقدر هم ارزونه ! 7800 تومن ! من دیروز هابیت انتشارات روزنه رو خریدم 14600 تومن (آخه من هابیت فرزاد فربد رو خونده بودم .) خوبه ... به مناسبت کنکور همه کتابهام رو قایم کردن اما این یکی از چنگ خانواده بنده در خاوهد رفت ! آدرس خونه رفیقمو میدم ! باید بخونمش !

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الندیل پادشاه انسان ها

دوست عزیز ، دوران اول کتاب همون "فرزندان هورین" و ضمیمه اون "تور و آمدن او به گوندولین" هست ، اون فصل خودش یک کتاب مجزا شد.

دوران سوم و فصل چهارم کتاب که در مورد سه مطلب از جمله ایستاری هست هنوز باقی مونده.


راستش داستان هورین که توی سیلماریلیون وافسانه های ناتمام اومده با کتاب فرزندان هورین خیلی فرق داره.

توی هر دو کتاب یاد شده این داستان به صورت مختصرو جزئی و بیشتر با حالت تاریخی و روایی اومده . اما کریستوفر تالکین با مراجعه به یادداشت ها ودست نوشته های پراکنده پدرش اقدام به تکمیل کردن و بسط دادن داستان کرده. وشکاف ها وخلاء های داستان واونجاهایی که با هم کمی تناقض داشته رو حل کرده وبه صورت نسخه نهایی وگسترش داده شده در آورده.

اون ضمیمه ای هم که در مورد تور وبازگشتش به گوندولین در آخر کتاب امده در واقع از همون کتاب افسانه های نا تمام ترجمه شده به همت وتلاش آقای علیزاده وهالبارد (سید ابراهیم تقوی ) .قابل ذکره که این ضمیمه توی کتاب اصلی وجود نداره.

پس نتیجه می گیریم که داستانی (داستان هورین ) که در افسانه های ناتمام اومده .اونی نیست که ترجمه شده و فقط (داستان تور و بازگشتش به گوندولین ) از بخش دوران اول کتاب افسانه های نا تمام ترجمه شده. @-) :)) :(

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بانوی سفید روهان

منم بالاخره خریدمش ...فقط چهار تا دیگه ش باقی مونده بود .خیلی کوچیکه ولی خوب...به قول معروف کاچی بهتر از هیچی !

ویرایش شده در توسط بانوی سفید روهان

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خب دوستان از آغاز این تاپیک بیش از دو سال میگذره گویا که در ابتدا قرار بوده ترجمه قصه های ناتمام، ناتمام بمونه و پخش اینترنتی بشه و به گونه ای هرز بره که اتفاق خوبی افتاد و آقای علیزاده بخش هایی از این مجموعه رو که ترجمه کرده بود چاپ کرد و امروز در فایل صوتی که در نشست این کتاب بود، گوش میدادم گفتن که ادامه قصه های ناتمام رو با همه سختیش ادامه میدن و این همه از پافشاری های دوستان به انتشارات روزنه و شخص مترجم بوده. به نظرم با ادامه این پافشاری ها آقای علیزاده برای ادامه کار دلگرم تر هم میشن کما اینکه به روی خودشون نیارن. به نظرم دوستان با پافشاری روی ترجمه ماجراهای تام بامبادیل توسط آقای علیزاده ایشون رو تشویق به این کار کنند. به نظرم این اثر حلقه مفقوده ای هست در فهم والاتر سرزمین میانه. خواهشاً مدیران سایت در این بار توضیح بدن و رفقا رو روشن کنند.

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به نظرم لزومی نداره حتما دست به دامن رضا علیزاده شد

در سایت آردا افرادی مثل تضاد و حمید خان هستند که هم از نظر تسلط به انگلیسی سطحشون خیلی عالیه و هم احاطه کاملی بر دنیای تالکین دارند و میتونن با همکاری هم کاری ماندگار رو تحویل بدن.فقط مسئله وقت این دوستان هست که ایا برای این کار وقت دارن یا نه؟

به غیر از اون میشه از کار گروهی استفاده کرد تا هم فشار کار کم بشه و هم کاری خوب جهت معرفی سایت آردا باشه

ویرایش شده در توسط R-FAARAZON

به اشتراک گذاری این پست

لینک به پست

به نظرم برای چنین آثار مهمی کار گروهی جوابگو نیست. و اینکه یقیناً اگه شخص علیزاده ادامه بده برای ترجمه عصر سوم و مابقی قصه های ناتمام بهتر باشه. و اینکه این ترجمه ای که میگید به صورت اینترنتی در میاد که به نظرم دور از مقام آثار تالکین هست، نفس اینکه جلدی از آثار تالکین در کتابخونه آدم باشه خودش کلی کیف میده.

به اشتراک گذاری این پست

لینک به پست

به نظرم برای چنین آثار مهمی کار گروهی جوابگو نیست. و اینکه یقیناً اگه شخص علیزاده ادامه بده برای ترجمه عصر سوم و مابقی قصه های ناتمام بهتر باشه. و اینکه این ترجمه ای که میگید به صورت اینترنتی در میاد که به نظرم دور از مقام آثار تالکین هست، نفس اینکه جلدی از آثار تالکین در کتابخونه آدم باشه خودش کلی کیف میده.

نه گروهی که توش هم به دنیای تالکین احاطه داشته باشن و هم به ترجمه مسلط باشن مثلا جناب تضاد که خودشون استاد زبان انگلیسی اند و حمید هم که گفتن نداره .سابقه هم که در این زمینه داره و اتفاقا کارشم خوب بوده https://arda.ir/forum...?showtopic=1515

ترجمه اینترنتی نه .اگه کار خوب باشه میتونه مثل کار رضا علیزاده چاپ بشه

ویرایش شده در توسط R-FAARAZON

به اشتراک گذاری این پست

لینک به پست

کتاب ماجراهای تام بامبادیل یه مجموعه شعر هست. ت.ت عزیز زحمت کشیده بود و سه بخش از این کتاب رو ترجمه کرده بود:


حالا خودش یا بقیه اعضایی که مایل هستن و فرصتش رو دارن میتونن این ترجمه رو ادامه بدن.

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فین رود

منم کتابو از بخوان سفارش دادم

یعنی امکانش هست کتاب تموم شده باشه و به دستم نرسه ؟ اخه توی سایت چیزی راجب وضعیت موجود یا نا موجود بودن کتاب ننوشته بود !!

به اشتراک گذاری این پست

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